Balls for Life - Testicular Cancer Event

So some years ago during the usual midweek four ball I had an epiphany, while observing my playing partners on course behaviour, it dawned on me just how much care attention and time they gave their golf balls, and understandably as we all know that the smallest imperfection can have affect our game.

Now you have to remember I’m a crazy dyslexic creative thats always dreaming up wild ideas, my mind immediately went to questioning whether my playing partners gave their own testicles the same love and attention? And over night Balls for Life was born.

I spent the week crafting logos, posters, writing copy and a storyboarding a short film, and returned to the course the following week to shot some content. I soon had a full campaign fleshed out, and went about approaching every potential golfing brand partner to help bring this campaign to the masses.

My core aim in all this was to not just raise awareness of testicular cancer amongst male golfers aged 18-44 but to provide free examination performed by a medical professional. I set my sights high, wouldn’t it be great if we could bring this campaign to the The Open, with over 200,000 visitors to the event we could gain some incredible PR, which would help increase awareness of our the campaign and potentially help us create tour to take it around the UK and Europe.

I contacted every balls manufacturer, as well as Golfbreaks England Golf, American Golf, and a list of European Tour professionals, celebrities and influencers, after months of working my nuts off unfortunately I just couldn’t get the brands I needed lined up and so to this day Balls for Life has been on hold until I find another opportunity to bring it to the masses.

I think I have the opportunity, and with the help of the golf instagram community I hope to announce news of a Balls for life event sometime this year.

If you wish to get involved feel free to contact me, simply send me a private message on instagram @TheCultofGolf

Lee Rooney